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0xbow and Labyrinth Announce Strategic Partnership

0xbow and Labyrinth, two startups dedicated to the enablement and adoption of onchain privacy, are proud to announce our new strategic partnership and integration of 0xbow association sets into Labyrinth’s shielded account and compliance solution. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in legitimizing onchain privacy for everyone, and limiting its use for criminals and other bad actors.

Labyrinth is a multi-chain modular framework for shielded addresses (private accounts) on Ethereum and other EVM chains. Private accounts enable users to perform all the activities they're accustomed to in DeFi: Transfer, Swap, Staking, Yield farming, Lending, Batch transactions for payroll, Token vesting, etc, while keeping their balance and actions private with simplied UX. Furthermore, Labyrinth has innovated on a compliance framework for allowing selective de-anonymization by a regulatory authority when demanded by building a network of “guardians”. Read more in the Labyrinth (previously zkFi) whitepaper (here).

0xbow CEO Nathaniel F commented, 

“0xbow’s partnership with Labyrinth will mark a major step in moving privacy forward as the norm in DeFi. Our tools combined with Labyrinth’s will allow users to finally begin to realize the full promise of decentralized finance- personal sovereignty, privacy of action, and the ability to decide as an onchain community not to do business with criminals.”

"By joining forces with 0xbow, we're leading the charge toward a DeFi landscape where privacy and regulatory harmony empower the next generation of financial innovation." — Amit Chaudhary, founder and CEO of Labyrinth. 

About 0xbow

0xbow is the premier project dedicated to Association Sets, providing onchain compliance and AML for the legitimization of onchain privacy for everyone. Association Sets are a ZK-proof based solution enabling users to prove non-association with illicit activities or sanctioned addresses. Through using association sets, privacy protocols such as Labyrinth can help keep their users safe from commingling or associating with the onchain activity of known bad actors.

About Labyrinth

Labyrinth hopes to integrate 0xbow association sets to supplement the existing compliance tools within their protocol. Specific details of this integration are still in the works, but we envision that Association Sets will either serve as a supplemental compliance layer or as a flag for de-anonymization when funds come from an illicit or illegal source. By doing so, we hope to protect the legitimacy of normal, non-offending users seeking to benefit from onchain privacy.

More details of this partnership will be announced as integration moves forward. Follow us on Twitter @0xbowio and @Labyrinth_HQ